The rationale behind seeing a dentist every six months

To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you must get regular dental exams. While a yearly visit to the Dentist in Boon Keng,  is advised by the American Dental Association, scheduling an appointment every six months can help avoid several oral health issues.

Modern dentistry is characterized by prevention. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as by urging patients to use mouthwash, fluoridated toothpaste, brush and floss, eat a balanced diet, etc. Preventive care in the Dental Implant in Boon Keng office usually consists of a semi-annual examination and dental prophylaxis, also called "The Check Up" or a "Six Month Recall," which entails expert cleaning of your teeth. 


going over and updating your medical and dental records

screening for blood pressure

Oral Cancer Screening

examination of the gums and teeth to look for infections or cavities.

Radiographic examination: The gold standard for care is a digital X-ray. The patient is not in danger of health problems from routine X-rays. Science and research have shown this. 

Additionally, they perform some specialty exams for individuals who use night guards, Invisalign, retainers, dentures, or implants.

dental prophylaxis consists of professional cleaning of your entire mouth, tooth polishing, and advice on proper dental care.

The dentist will analyze all of the results and x-rays, make any required diagnoses, and provide treatment suggestions during the session.

PREVENT PLAQUE: Plaque is a sticky buildup of germs that adheres to your teeth and gum line. Plaque accumulation results in gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth discoloration.


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